Auto Ministry Inc.

Ministering to ministers through transportation.


Our goal with Auto Ministry Inc is to provide transportation for ministers, future ministers currently enrolled in seminary, missionaries home on stateside assignment or furlough, and their families. This assistance includes advice, repairing, lease/loaning, assistance in purchasing, and gifts of vehicles to the aforementioned individuals who are associated with organizations listed in the by-laws of the corporation.




Auto Ministry is the fulfillment of a long time dream. Part of the dream is to minister to ministers. Part of it is to see a need and to fill that need. While there may be many ways this dream could have manifested itself, the outcome is to provide help for missionaries with their personal transportation needs.

Our President is Jason Barthalow, a former missionary. He will be continuing the dream with his vision for this ministry. We thank GOD for providing Jason and his guidance of this ministry in the future.

Our Founder is Benney Britt. His new role is to assist Jason in the day to day operation of the ministry.


The Benney Britt family (The Founders) has lived, worked, and worshipped in Shelby County, Tennessee since 1985. We have assisted our friends, neighbors, and ministers with their transportation needs. We have been doing this occasionally since our arrival, but have dramatically increased our involvement since 2014. We came to a point that this could not just be a family ministry, so we decided to incorporate as a non-profit to encourage other like-minded Christians to join us in this blessing.


If you wish to know more about us or the ministry, please contact us directly by any method listed on our contact page.





The Barthalow and Britt Families