Auto Ministry Inc.

Ministering to ministers through transportation.


Our goal with Auto Ministry Inc is to provide transportation for ministers, future ministers currently enrolled in seminary, missionaries home on stateside assignment or furlough, and their families. This assistance includes advice, repairing, lease/loaning, assistance in purchasing, and gifts of vehicles to the aforementioned individuals who are associated with organizations listed in the by-laws of the corporation.



First, let me say thank you for considering donating to Auto Ministry Incorporated (AMI). While we accept donations, we do not solicit donations. About 99% of our effort benefits those committed to organizations related to the Southern Baptist Convention and organizations with similar goals working with the SBC. Our focus is very narrow for two reasons. First, the founders have invested their hearts and lives with the SBC, agree with the foundational Biblical doctrines, and wish to assist in the propagation of the Gospel by helping to support ministers in a tangible and necessary fashion by assisting in their personal transportation needs. Second, while there are many equally worthwhile organizations, we are not fiscally able to support those ministries so we have limits to safeguard all concerned.


Therefore, since we limit our scope, we actively limit our acceptance of donations to those who identify with our stated goals and beliefs. We will consider all donations from most, but reserve the right to reject any from organizations or individuals that may damage the reputation of our LORD JESUS CHRIST or our own reputations in HIM. We primarily seek donations of vehicles that can be directly given to our qualified applicants. We also gladly receive donations of any vehicle in almost any condition. Donations of cash and checks are greatly appreciated. We will accept debit/credit cards through Pay Pal, understanding the benefits and liabilities associated with this form of payment.


Thank you again for your gifts and remember we are an IRS 501 (c) 3 charity and must follow all rules of determining values of in-kind donations.



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